Friday, March 30, 2012

My most used resources...

On the right hand side of my page I have listed a plethera of resources for the Early Chilhood Professional. I also wanted to share with you 4 resources I have been using with my staff . They are great reads and have provided great help! Enjoy!

  • Powerful Interactions: How To Connect With Children To Extend Their Learning                            by:Amy Laura Dombro,Judy Jablon, and Charlotte Stetson
  • Caring For Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards                                  A Joint Collaborative Project of American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
  • Tender Care and Early Learning: Supporting Infants and Toddlers in Child Care Settings                By: Jacalyn Post and Mary Hohmann
  • Growing Minds: Building Strong Cognitive Foundations in Early Childhood                                     By: Carol Copple


  1. Nicole, I am still getting the hang of creating a blog. I am impressed and in "awe" of how you got them on the right hand side like that. I am determined to figure it out. In our age of technology, when you need information immediately, do you have any resources that you personally rely upon for that? My "go to" website is usually a university online library since I am always in school or my staff has access to one as well. In addition, the management team is signed up for emails from professional organizations such as the National After school Association, the National Education Association, and School Age Notes, just to name a few.

  2. Randi, it took me about an hour to figure out how to put that over there. hhahahaha. I had to change the actual template. I recieve emails from NAEYC as well. In PA we can sign up for emails from the local colleges, BUILD (ece center), and Pennsylvania Keyston Stars which is an initiative for high quality learning and education with in our state.
